From this article you will learn how neuromarketing research can influence the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.
Why do we need neuromarketing?
The main purpose of neuromarketing is to increase the effectiveness of our marketing strategy and to better understand consumer behaviour and preferences. Neuromarketing allows us to understand our customers’ emotions, preferences and motivations. This allows us to adapt our products, services and marketing campaigns to their real needs and expectations. However, this is not the only advantage of neuromarketing, as it also allows us to test different elements of our campaign, such as: advertising, communication, product packaging. Most importantly, we can find out which elements work most effectively on consumers and which need to be improved or changed.
Companies that actively use neuromarketing are able to adapt to changing customer needs, trends and behaviours, giving them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
How neuromarketing research influences a marketing campaign
Neuromarketing research can significantly influence the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, thanks to it we can find out the answers to many of the unknowns related to our strategy. By understanding how consumers’ brains respond to different stimuli, we can tailor our campaign for customers. It is best if we use an example to describe the case, let it be a marketing campaign for a new perfume. In view of this, how does neuromarketing research influence a new perfume campaign?
- Above all, they allow us to identify which fragrance ingredients evoke the most positive reactions in consumers’ brains. We will be able to tailor our perfumes to be more appealing to our target group.
In a similar way, we will study how our packaging, labels, logos, etc. are perceived.
- The brain responds to visual stimuli, so neuromarketing research can help us assess which perfume packaging is most appealing to customers and attracts their attention.
- Through research, we will also test our advertising and marketing content, such as slogans or leaflets. Through research, for example, we can assess which elements of advertisements (images, colours, sounds and content) elicit the strongest responses in the test subject’s brain. We can therefore adapt our marketing content to be more impactful on the emotions and positive impressions of customers.
- Thanks to neuromarketing research, we can better understand how different groups of people (e.g. groups segmented by age or gender) react to different perfume stimuli. This allows us to more precisely tailor our product to the appropriate target group.
Understanding how the brain reacts to our perfume and its associated stimuli can help to create more effective and attractive marketing campaigns and increase the chances of success in the perfume market.

An example of the impact of neuromarketing research on improving product sales in another industry? A manufacturer of crisps conducted neuromarketing research on its product.
It used eye-tracking (a research technique that involves tracking eye movements), which helped it to learn about and solve problems with the packaging. As a result of the research, the manufacturer made changes to the packaging that were positively received by the public and brought it an increase in product sales.
How do you apply neuromarketing research to yourself?
Before you proceed with neuromarketing research, you need to be clear about your objectives. This is about whether you want to increase sales, brand awareness or perhaps improve your relationship with your customers, etc.
The next step is to choose the target audience for our product or brand.
Make sure that the neuromarketing research covers this particular group.
Create different versions of the ads, graphics, content and other marketing materials you want to test. Make sure the tests take into account different aspects of perception, such as colour, sound, content and its placement and composition.
There are many different neuromarketing techniques that can be used, such as EEG (electroencephalographic) tests, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) tests, EMG (electromyographic) tests or skin response measurements. Choose techniques appropriate to your objectives, budget and product. Monitor brain and body responses to various marketing stimuli.
Once the research is complete, conduct a detailed analysis of the results. Try to understand which stimuli evoked the most positive reactions in the respondents and which were perceived negatively. Adjust your marketing campaign based on the results of the survey. You can change the content, colours, sound, layout, etc., to make it as relevant as possible to the brain responses of your target group. After the changes, it is best to re-run the neuromarketing research to see if it had the desired effect. Don’t forget to also monitor the effectiveness of the campaign using traditional marketing indicators such as sales, brand awareness, customer feedback, etc.

Neuromarketing research can be a valuable tool for optimising marketing campaigns, but it should be considered as part of a wider marketing strategy.
The advantage of neuromarketing research is that it is based on facts rather than guesses, making the results of such research more reliable.